The Day Of Resurrection

Hadrat Imâm-i Rabbânî says in the 17th letter of the third volume of his Maktûbât:

One day the world will end. That day will surely come. On that day, the skies will be torn into pieces, the stars will disperse, the earth and mountains will break into pieces and will be annihilated. The Qur’ân communicates this fact and all groups of Muslims believe it. He who disbelieves it becomes a kâfir. Even if he misrepresents his obstinacy well by means of some fantastic stories or deceives the ignorant by pushing knowledge and science on them, he is still a kâfir.

At the end of the world, after all creatures are annihilated, they will be recreated, and everybody will be resurrected from their grave. Allâhu ta’âlâ will resurrect the bones that have rotted and turned into dust. That day a pair of scales will be set up; the account-books of all humans will fly to their owners, to the good ones from their right and to the evil ones from their left. The bridge of Sirât, which is set over Hell, will be passed, the pious ones will pass over it and will go into Paradise, but those who deserve Hell will fall down into Hell.

These things which we communicate are not impossible. Since the Mukhbîr-i sâdiq ‘sall-Allâhu ta’âlâ alaihi wa sallam’ has declared them, we have to accept them and believe them instantly. We shouldn’t doubt about them by being fed on illusions. Allâhu ta’âlâ declares in the seventh âyat of Sûrat-ul-Hashr: “Take what my Messenger has brought for you!” that is, believe whatever he says!

On the Day of Resurrection, with the permission of Allâhu ta’âlâ, the virtuous ones will do shafâ’at for the sinful ones, that is, they will intercede for them. Our Prophet declares: “My shafâ’at is for the grave sinners among my Ummat.” After settling accounts, disbelievers will go into Hell and will stay in Hell and be tormented eternally. Believers will stay in Paradise and in the blessings of Paradise eternally. Those Muslims whose sins are greater than their good deeds will possibly go into Hell, being tormented there for a while or to the extent of their sins. Yet they will not remain in Hell eternally. A person with îmân equaling a speck will not remain in Hell eternally, but being blessed with divine mercy, he will enter Paradise.

Escaping Torment In The Next World

Escaping torment in the next world is dependent only upon following Muhammad ‘alaihis-salâm’. He who follows the way guided by him will attain the love of Allâhu ta’âlâ. Those who follow in his footsteps will be close to Allâhu ta’âlâ. He who adapts himself to him will attain the happiness of being a faithful born slave of Allâhu ta’âlâ. The greatest ones of the more than a hundred and twenty-four thousand prophets that came to the world yearned to join his Ummat. If Hadrat Mûsâ (Moses) had lived in his time, despite his greatness, he would have preferred to follow him. All Muslims know that Hadrat ’Îsâ will descend from heaven and follow his way. Muslims who are of his Ummat became the most auspicious and best of all people because they adapted themselves to him. Most of those who will enter Paradise are from among them, and they will enter before all other people.

Belief In Angels

Hadrat Imâm-i Rabbânî says in the 67th letter of the second volume of his Maktûbât:

Angels are Allah’s dear slaves. It is not possible for them to disobey Allah’s commands. They do what they are commanded. They do not get married. They do not bear children or multiply. Allâhu ta’âlâ has chosen some of them as prophets. He has honoured them with the task of carrying wahy. They are those who brought the Books and Suhûf to prophets. [For example, An’âm Sûra was brought by Hadrat Jebrâil (Gabriel) together with seventy thousand angels.] They do not make any mistakes, nor do they ever forget. They do not play tricks or deceive. What they bring from Allâhu ta’âlâ is always true. It is never doubtful, nor does it depend upon probabilities. Angels are afraid of Allah’s grandeur, wrath and greatness. They have no other work than doing what they are commanded.

British Policy

Sayyid Abd-ul-Hakîm Arwâsî ‘rahmatullâhi aleyh’ made the following statements, which define the British in a way covering all the main points while leaving out any points that are not relevant:

“The British are the greatest enemies of Islam. Let us compare Islam to a tree; other disbelievers will fell this tree by cutting it by the lowest point of its trunk whenever they have the opportunity. Consequently, Muslims will begin feeling hostility towards them. Yet this tree may send forth roots some day. British policy, on the other hand, is quite different. He will serve this tree; he will feed it. So Muslims will develop a liking for him. However, one night, when all the people are sound asleep, he will administer poison to its root without anyone noticing it. The tree will dry up for good and will never sprout again. He will go on duping Muslims by expressing his solidarity with them. This exemplification of poisoning represents the British stratagem of extirpating Islamic scholars, Islamic literature and Islamic learning through the hypocritical and ignoble natives he has hired in return for the appeasement of sensuous desires, such as money, rank, positions and women.”

Wahhâbism (Part 1)

The Wahhâbîs, while claiming to love all as-Sahâbat al-kirâm, follow not their path but their own heretical path which they ascribe to as-Sahâba. They do not like the scholars of Ahl as-Sunna, great sûfîs and ’Alawîs and slander all of them. They suppose that they alone are Muslims. They regard those who are not like them as ‘polytheists’ and say that it is halâl for them to take away life and property of such people. Therefore, they become Ibâhatîs. They draw wrong, heretical meanings from the Qur’ân al-kerîm and the Hadîth ash-sherîf and think that Islam consists merely of those meanings. They deny the adilla-t-ash-Shar’iyya and most hadîths. The notables of the four Madhhabs write many books proving with documents that those who disagree with Ahl as-Sunna are heretics and do much harm to Islam.

Eyyûb Sabrî Pasha (rahimah-Allâhu ta’âlâ) said, “Wahhâbism came out with a bloody, torturous rebellion on the Arabian Peninsula in 1205 (1791).” Muhammad ’Abduh of Egypt was one of the people who tried to spread Wahhâbism and anti-Madhhabism through his books around the world. In the time of the Union and Progress Party, ’Abduh’s books were translated into Turkish and were presented to the youth as the “works of the great scholar of Islam, the enlightened man of ideas, the eminent reformer ’Abduh.” However, ’Abduh had openly written that he admired Jamâl ad-dîn al-Afghânî [d. 1314 A. H. (1897)], who was a freemason and chief of the Cairo Masonic Lodge. The enemies of Islam, who were in ambush to abolish the Ahl as-Sunna and to annihilate Islam by words falsely praising Islam, insidously incited this fitna by disguising themselves as religious men. ’Abduh was lauded to the skies.